Guidelines for Head Lice in Schools

No-Nits?? - I, and many other entomologists, have argued for a long time that a diagnosis of head lice is no reason to keep kids out of school, or to otherwise single them out for special treatment. It now seems that the American Academy of Pediatrics
 (AAP) agrees. The new AAP guidelines are aimed mostly at schools and are released at a time when some schools still suspend students that show any sign of head lice, including simple head-scratching and/or the presence of nits (
lice eggs).

In a recent article the AAP now recommends that:

  • no-nit policies (1) should be dropped in favor of keeping kids in school

  • head lice should not be treated as a serious medical issue but instead as a manageable nuisance

  • head lice should not be considered an indication of unsanitary conditions at home

  • head lice should be diagnosed by a pediatrician, not by nit-screening at school

  • and, that excessive cleaning at home or school is not needed

Most head lice infestations can be managed at home with over-the-counter medications and lice combing. There is no reason to exclude kids from school following a diagnosis of head lice. I understand that is can be a very contentious issue with parents but school administrators now have a new tool in the AAP Guidelines to back a decision to ease off on current draconian measures in the face of what is in reality a relatively minor nuisance pest.

Remember, according to the best scientific evidence, head lice do not spread disease nor are they an indication of unsanitary conditions.

 (1) Under this policy schools may prevent students from entering the building if they exhibit signs of a head lice infestation. The sign most often used is the presence of nits, or eggs, in hair. If nits are found, or even just suspected, all students may be subjected to inspection. Students that are believed to have nits may be excluded from class and sent home for treatment.



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